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Presidents Appeal

Dear Fellow Liberals

Can I express a personal view

It is vital as a Liberal Party we make everyone welcome irrespective of whether they voted remain or leave

The Liberal Party and the Country needs to move  to over  beyond the debate over the EU

Any deal was never going to be perfect but the public voted to Leave and that ballot should be respected

My personal view was always an initial deal would itself not be a final stage but the first stage in a process to disengage from the EU

We at our assembly debated pragmatic ways to deal with the Northern Ireland border

At Liberal assemblies we have tried focus on some serious issues like leasehold reform, steps to save the environment , reform of the House of Lords to an elected Senate, help for small businesses and community charities

Let us all focus on issues of social justice strengthening small businesses , strengthening local and public  services, fighting crime but community policing and proactive youth services and wealth inequality

I pray and hope that a pragmatic balanced deal with the EU comes forward

Can I make it clear we have local elections where our distinctive commitment to building and strengthening communities must be at the forefront of our dialogue

Please support your nearest local government candidates

Warmest Regards
