Extreme inequalities of unearned inherited wealth in the next generation

Dear Sir,

In the week after the publication of the Sunday Times Rich List, what are the political parties going to say and do about extreme inequalities of unearned inherited wealth in the next generation of our so-called Opportunity Society. Do they think it is right that some will inherit billions free of tax thanks to exemptions and reliefs for land and businesses while others inherit no capital at all?

All parties should determine to introduce and gradually increase over the years a UK Citizen’s Universal Inheritance for all 25 year old UK citizens with a UK citizen parent, at a politically appropriate level, financed and clawed back from the more fortunate by a progressive tax on cumulative lifetime receipt of capital gifts and inheritance. This would encourage the wider spread of giving, on which the rate of the so-called ‘Inheritance Tax’, retained for cross-referral, could be dropped from 40% to 10% for giving to UK tax payers, without the current absurdly unlimited exemptions and reliefs for land and businesses.

This is the policy of the continuing UK Liberal Party, whose traditional constitution calls for liberty, property and security for all.

Yours sincerely
Dane Clouston
Member, Liberal Party National Executive Committee
Director, Campaign for Universal Inheritance

EU Citizens in the UK

The Liberal Party notes the recent comments of the European Council President Donald Tusk on the future status of EU citizens in the UK in relation to the commencement of talks on BREXIT.

The party fully supports the rights of EU citizens to continue living and working in this country and believes making such an undertaking does not prejudice future negotiations with the EU if made in good faith.

The party believes in a fair settlement with the European Union as part of our disengagement from Europe but remains’ concerned that any excessively large demand for financial compensation as part of the final settlement.

The EU should respect that the UK proportionally pays more for the defence of the Europe through NATO than the EU countries do themselves and this disparity should be off set in any negotiations.

There remains a real possibility that a punitive sum will push the UK towards an unfavourable exit which is not in the long-term interests of either the UK or mainland Europe.


The Liberal Party deplores the rapid escalation of violence in Syria depicted by further use of chemical warfare agents in Northern Syria and the subsequent punitive military action on Syria by U.S. government forces.

The country’s civil war has now dragged on for 6 years, interspersed with civilian atrocities and widespread destruction on the ground, displacing an estimated 3.8 million civilians and leading to approximately 100,000 deaths.

The increased direct involvement of the Russian government, and attempts by Western powers to back a disparate array of opposition groups has led to a chaotic situation where civilians are seemingly targeted at will. It has also added to regional instability and allowed Islamic militant groups to exploit the breakdown in order to further their own extremist agendas.

The Liberal Party urgently calls for:

  • the warring factions to resume direct talks immediately, under the auspices of the United Nations, to end the un-necessary suffering of the regions people who simply wish to live their lives free from violence and suffering.
  • the creation of safe zones so that innocent civilians can move away from the danger of the armed conflict which has on occasions led to genocide against the largely Sunni opposition population.

Press Release

The Liberal Party in Devon has announced the names of the candidates that will be fighting seats in the May Devon County Council Elections.

From Left to right, Lloyd Knight, Lloyd is a Bradninch Town Councillor and active in his local community. He has an excellent record as a Town Councillor and is known for being a councillor who listens to his electorate and acts on their concerns.

Jenny Roach is a Mid Devon District Councillor who is well known for speaking up for and supporting people in her ward. Jenny is passionate about providing care services for vulnerable people and has initiated a project known as room 4 u to provide local services to bridge the gap that has been left by the austerity cuts.

Harry Tribble, standing as a candidate for the first time, Harry (a political student) hopes to assert the voice of the youth, prioritise the locality and establish community cohesion. Harry joined The Liberal Party after campaigning for vote leave in the 2016 referendum.

The Liberal Party has no connection with the Lib Dems, indeed their policy is against Brexit whilst the Liberal Party campaigned for a Leave vote.

For further information please contact Jenny on 01392861042 or email at jennyroach2@aol.com

Tuebrook Reporter

Off License Hours Reduced
Anderson Challenged Over Carlton Claims
A New Peter Lloyd?
Spring Clean for Tuebrook, Stoneycroft and Anfield
Small Alleyway Clean-Up
Road Resurfacing – Monastery Road
In the Community – Funds for Youth Workers

Tuebrook Reporter – March-April 2017

Off License Hours Reduced
Anderson Challenged Over Carlton Claims
A New Peter Lloyd?
Spring Clean for Tuebrook, Stoneycroft and Anfield
Small Alleyway Clean-Up
Road Resurfacing – Monastery Road
In the Community – Funds for Youth Workers

Terror Attack in London

The Liberal Party UK is deeply saddened by the loss of life in what is being treated as an act of terror in London. Our hearts go out to victims of the attack and to their families and loved ones.

Whilst it is too early to understand what motivated this attack, we condemn the recourse to violence and terror as a means to promote any cause.

The Liberal Party supports initiatives, both government and community based, that seeks to address social and political issue which draw otherwise law abiding citizens towards senseless acts of violence within our democratic society.

Engaging with those elements of British society who are likely to be led astray by extremist views requires a proactive and multi-agency approach. These should aim to bringing’s together community leaders, politicians, and the police and intelligence services to guide such individuals back into the mainstream political process.

Spring Special Assembly

Briar Rose Hotel, 25 Bennetts Hill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B2 5RE
Saturday 25th February 2017 – 12 noon to 4pm

Prison Reform Joint Motion for debate sponsored by Colin France
Click here to download the PDF of the Prison Reform Joint Motion.

NEC Statement – Thames Water Prosecution
The Liberal Party views with concern:

  1. The continuing failure of our privatised water companies to provide pure water for residents at a fair price.
  2. The continuing breach of regulations by our privatised water companies as evidenced, for example, by the repeated conviction of Thames Water for polluting the Thames and tributaries by the illegal discharge of sewage into the river to the detriment of river fish and other wildlife.
  3. The continuing decisions, as revealed by internal whistle-blowers, of Thames Water management “to pay the pollution fines rather than install new filtering systems”.
  4. The repeated changes in ownership of our privatised water companies as new owners display more interest in asset stripping than the provision of pure water, or to a halt to the illegal discharge of sewage, or to a reduction in the high number of serious leaks.
  5. The recent decision by Thames Water to charge all its customers a special fee to help to pay for management failures, in particular water leaks which reached a peak of nearly 30% of water lost to leaks.

The Liberal Party recognise that pure water is essential to life and believes that everyone has a natural right to pure water. The Liberal Party also believes that it is morally wrong and environmentally damaging to allow our water supply to be under the control of profiteers and asset strippers. Accordingly, the Liberal Party calls for the restoration of our water supply to public ownership and public accountability.