Liberty, Property, Security

“The Liberal Party exists to create a liberal society, in which every citizen shall possess liberty, property and security, and none shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. Its chief care is for the rights and opportunities of the individual, and in all spheres it sets freedom first.”


The General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") came into force on the 25th May 2018.

The Liberal Party has responsibilities under these regulations as we have gathered personal details from members, supports and members of the public in the form of names, addresses, contact details and e-mail addresses.

As such we have specific responsibility to ensure the information is kept securely, is not used for a purpose you have not given consent for, and is available for you to review and if requested to do so deleted responsibly.

We take our responsibilities seriously and are committed to full compliance with the regulations. Here is our Privacy & Data Protection Policy and our Data Retention Policy

If you have any questions or wish to exercises your rights please contact myself or another member of the Liberal Party NEC who will be happy to address your request.

Stephen Graham
Liberal Party NEC Member & Data Controller

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Press Releases
Liberal Party NEC Statement – Thames Water in Public Ownership

The Liberal Party notes resumed media speculation that the government is engaging with potential administrators prior to Thames Water being placed in administration.

Whilst the company is reported to have sufficient funds in the short term, the party believes it should be brought back into public ownership as quickly as possible to reduce uncertainty and to protect consumers and the environment.

The company’s current and previous owners should be bailed into any recovery plan to reduce taxpayers’ exposure to the liabilities of a company with almost £18 billion in debt, having experienced over £7 billion in dividends extracted from the company over previous decades.

Under public ownership the water utility can re-invest in infrastructure and the supply of clean water without having to pay out unjustified dividends to predominantly foreign owners with no regard for the impact of their ownership.

Liberal Party NEC Statement – The Publication of the Government Spring Forecast

On the 26th March the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) will publish a an Economic and Fiscal Forecast for the year as the Chancellor makes a supporting statement to parliament.

The Liberal Party believes that if the government is to fulfil its of stated aim of creating economic prosperity, funding public service and reducing public debt it needs to recognise the part played by small business in our local communities.

We believe that the imposition of an increase in Employer NI contributions has already created adverse trading conditions for all business, slowed economic activity and curtailed recruitment.

To support the small business sector, we would advocate:

Raising the VAT threshold to £150k to enable businesses to get established before being faced with the disproportion burdens of tax administration.

Business Rates should be replaced with a Land Value Tax and simplified so that the business rates regime aligns with the costs of a small bushiness locally, not as a revenue stream.

Providing small business with advice and training via local business hubs and better financial support.

Previous Press Releases can be found here.

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Latest News
Merseyside Liberal Party Supporting Local Post Offices

Liberal Party leader Cllr Steve Radford recently visited both Old Swan and Breck Road Post Offices in Liverpool with his colleague Alan Tormey.

There was a nonstop flow of customers, and as so many bank branches are closing it is vital to save these facilities. The party also sees an opportunity to utilise local churches to deliver banking services as is done at All Hallows Centre in Allerton.

Please sign the 38 Degrees online petition calling for the withdrawal of plans to close 115 Post Offices.

Allan Tormey’s letter to concerned parties addressing the potential closures of Crown Post Offices in Liverpool, particularly Old Swan and Breck Road, can be read here.

Merseyside Liberal Party Reporter covering the Post Office campaign - click here.

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Copyright The Liberal Party © 2025, All Rights Reserved.
Published and promoted by Steve Radford, 41 Sutton Street, Liverpool, L13 7EG