“The Liberal Party exists to create a liberal society, in which every citizen shall possess liberty, property and security, and none shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. Its chief care is for the rights and opportunities of the individual, and in all spheres it sets freedom first.”
Liberal Party policy is agreed on by party members at the annual assembly. The statements included here contain the Liberal Party’s agreed policy on a wide range of issues, from individual freedom to taxation, health and the environment.
The General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") came into force on the 25th May 2018.
The Liberal Party has responsibilities under these regulations as we have gathered personal details from members, supports and members of the public in the form of names, addresses, contact details and e-mail addresses.
As such we have specific responsibility to ensure the information is kept securely, is not used for a purpose you have not given consent for, and is available for you to review and if requested to do so deleted responsibly.
We take our responsibilities seriously and are committed to full compliance with the regulations. Here is our Privacy & Data Protection Policy and our Data Retention Policy
If you have any questions or wish to exercises your rights please contact myself or another member of the Liberal Party NEC who will be happy to address your request.
Stephen Graham
Liberal Party NEC Member & Data Controller
The Liberal Party believes that the removal of the Assad regime in Syria offers an opportunity for the creation of a self-governing Kurdish region including Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey.
We recognise that the Kurdish regions include mixed communities, and those nations mentioned are unlikely to ever not concede independence. However, we urge them to support devolution in their territories in order to promote stability and dignity for all their communities.
We urge all governments to show restraint in facing the expansion and aggression being pronounced by President Erdogan of Turkey. The course of stability and participation of the Kurdish region of north and east Syria will be undermined by Turkish aggression and could lead to the release of thousands of ISIS prisoners.
We hope that a Kurdish nation will emerge in due course, but we believe that limited autonomy, which can be done without full independence, is a reasonable starting point.
The Liberal Party notes with disappointment the decision of the government to decline to hold a public enquiry into child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester and to instead pass the responsibility back to Oldham Council to conduct their own inquiry.
The Jay enquiry into sexual abuse in Rotherham covered similar ground but largely seems to have been ignored or glossed over in the 27 months since its publication and recommendations made in the report have yet to be fully implemented.
The Jay report specifically identified ‘predominantly men of Pakistani heritage’ being involved in such activity.
The Liberal Party would support a root and branch judge led statutory enquiry in England (which gives the power to compel witnesses) into the whole issue titled:
Child Sexual Exploitation from 1997 to Date.
Including within its remit would be the response of :
Crown Prosecution Service(CPS)
Social Services
The courts - family and criminal.
Other child focussed bodies - schools and the NSPCC
The full enquiry would potentially take years but an interim report to be published within 18 months into the current situation with interim recommendations, would not be unachievable.
Previous Press Releases can be found here.
Liberal Party leader Cllr Steve Radford recently visited both Old Swan and Breck Road Post Offices in Liverpool with his colleague Alan Tormey.
There was a nonstop flow of customers, and as so many bank branches are closing it is vital to save these facilities. The party also sees an opportunity to utilise local churches to deliver banking services as is done at All Hallows Centre in Allerton.
Please sign the 38 Degrees online petition https://act.38degrees.org.uk/act/keep-post-offices-open calling for the withdrawal of plans to close 115 Post Offices.
Allan Tormey’s letter to concerned parties addressing the potential closures of Crown Post Offices in Liverpool, particularly Old Swan and Breck Road, can be read here.
Merseyside Liberal Party Reporter covering the Post Office campaign - click here.
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Subscriptions to Liberal News are welcome from non-members on payment of £10 for 4 issues.