Archive Press Releases/News

The Liberal Party Confirms its Candidates for the 2024 General Election

A big thank you to all those candidates who have stepped forward to represent The Liberal Party on the 4th July, and their supporters and benefactors.
The party will be contesting the following 12 seats.


  1. Allan Steele – East Renfrewshire 


  1. Paul Nicholson – St. Ives and The Isles of Scilly
  2. Cllr Paul Holmes – Camborne and Redruth
  3. Jay Latham – St. Austell and Newquay
  4. Peter White – Truro and Falmouth


  1. Cllr Charles Shaw – Lincoln Borough Constituency


  1. Cllr Steve Radford – West Derby 
  2. Cllr Billy Lake – Walton 
  3. Alan Tormey – Garston
  4. Sean Weaver – Riverside


  1. Danny Clark – Runcorn and Helsby


  1. Cllr Christopher Twells – South Cotswolds

In addition there are by-elections for Liverpool City Council on the same date where Liberal member Alan Tormey will be contesting Broad Green Ward and Alan Oscoft will be contesting the Clubmoor East Ward.

Liberal Party Promotion Video – Alan Tormey to contest Broad Green Ward by-election, Liverpool City Council

In addition to the general election on the 4th July, there are by-elections for Liverpool City Council on the same date where Liberal member Alan Tormey will be contesting Broad Green Ward and Alan Oscoft will be contesting the Clubmoor East Ward.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

Liberal Leader Cllr Steve Radford Speaks at History Project and the Role of the Churches in the Community

“Yesterday I spoke at the end of worship at the end year feedback on the Christ Church Kensington oral history project. I spoke about Liverpool being a melting pot of the UK nations at the time of building,1870, 10 per cent of city had Welsh as their first language. Today Kensington being a melting pot of so many nations many of whom are our partners in the Commonwealth. However, the social mission of the church is as valuable today than it was at the time of the building foundation”.

Liberal Party Leader Cllr Steve Radford

Liberal Party Statement on the Cass Review

The Liberal Party welcomes the publication of the report produced by Dr Hilary Cass and her recommendations to NHS England in her role as Chair of the Independent Review of gender identity services for children and young people.

The report makes it clear that “the rationale for early puberty suppression remains unclear, with weak evidence regarding the impact on gender dysphoria, mental or psychosocial health” and that “(t)he effect on cognitive and psychosexual development remains unknown”. The report also states that “(c)linicians are unable to determine with any certainty which children and young people will go on to have an enduring trans identity”.

The Liberal Party’s position on this matter has always been that there was no medical evidence to support the treatment of gender distressed children and young adults with early puberty blockers and hormones. Dr. Cass’ report agrees with this position and further states that “(f)or most young people, a medical pathway to manage their gender-related distress. For those young people for whom a medical pathway is clinically indicated, it is not enough to provide this without also addressing wider mental health and/or psychosocially challenging problems”.

In view of the findings of this report, The Liberal Party urges the Scottish Government to:

  1. With immediate effect stop all further medical treatment of children and young adults at by NHS Scotland, including but not limited to the Sandyford Clinic and private health providers.
  2. Publish an evidence based, clinically informed strategy to provide lifelong support where sought to all those children and young children that have been treated with puberty blockers and masculinising/feminising hormones to date in Scotland. 
  3. Revisit the End of Conversion Therapy legislative proposal to incorporate the findings of Dr. Cass’ report.

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR

Liberal Chair shows Racism the Red Card at NEU Conference

Liberal Party Chair Cllr Charles Shaw in his capacity as a delegate has been at the National Education Union Conference in Bournemouth showing racism the red card (see picture) and notes the important motions to get rid of ‘Ofsted’ and the negative effect this is having on the teaching profession and education as a whole.

Charles also commends the NEU and other unions on the work they are doing to support those in the conflict in Ukraine and in Gaza.

As a key member of The Centre for Reconciliation Cllr Shaw respects the role of Trade Unionists working together for peace and is always pleased to hear from Trade Unionists in the Liberal Party.

Promoted by Stephen Graham
on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

Thames Water

The Liberal Party notes with concern increasing media reports on the long-term viability of Thames Water.
An urgently needed injection of fresh capital is reported to have been withdrawn by its shareholders as they believe the company to be no longer financially viable, saddled with a debt pile of over £18 billion pounds.
The Liberal Party rejects any concession being given to its owners over its refinancing, such as increasing consumer bills by 40% or a resumption or dividend payments as unjustified and unwarranted.
The Liberal Party has a well established policy of bringing the water companies back into public ownership. This would protect both consumers and the wider environment from pollution, over extraction and the wastage of one of the most precious of natural resources, fresh water.

Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2024

The Liberal Party notes with concern the recent bill passed by the SNP to alter the landscape of freedom of expression in Scotland by imposing restrictions on certain facets of speech deemed threatening or abusive. 

The new legislation will make it an offence to stir up hatred against protected characteristics, including age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity following on from prior legislation in respect of race.

The Liberal Party believes that in a liberal and tolerant society, freedom of expression should be valued and thus enshrined into law providing it doesn’t infringe on someone’s else liberty. 

In respect of the bill recently passed by the SNP, we believe that the act is, legislation overreach, in a number of areas: 

Firstly, the party believes that the legislation will be used as a weapon by some to try and criminalise those who don’t share their beliefs. 

Secondly, the law does not just apply to social media posts or newspaper articles. It covers anything said anywhere at any time – even in the confines of someone’s own home. Children will in theory be able to report their parents. In addition, people can inform on each other anonymously, through an expanded network of ‘third-party reporting centres’. 

Lastly, the Act states that Scots still have freedom of expression under the European Convention on Human Rights but the fact that this needs to be stated shows the legislation’s architects have doubts about its internal clarity and likely consequences. 

As the old adage says, ‘stick and stones, may break my bones but names will never hurt me’, unfortunately, under the SNP this clearly is no longer true!

Kayed Al-Haddad 
(Scottish Liberal Party Chair) 

Liberal Party NEC Statement – The Gaza Conflict after 5 Months

The Liberal Party notes with deep sadness the conclusion of the 5th month of the ongoing Gaza conflict and a continued failure to bring the regional violence to an end.
Whilst the Israel state has the right to protect itself, its on-going response to the Hamas attack of the 7th October has shown no boundaries and goes beyond self-defence or protection of its population.

The Palastinina inhabitants of Gaza now face acute hunger with much of the public health infrastructure and hospitals damaged beyond use and a punitive blockade preventing humanitarian aid reaching the besieged population.

The party believes that the absence of an Israeli delegation at the current Cairo negotiation to implement a ceasefire and exchange of hostages is inexcusable and shows an unwillingness to end the conflict.

The international community must act to ensure Israel meets its international obligations to protect  civilians and prevents a humanitarian disaster which will only fuel the perpetual cycle of violence, empowering terrorist groups such as Humza, rather than isolating them.