Archive Press Releases/News

Why Brexit Draft – Article 132 must be deleted

Article 132 provides an instrument for the EU to extend the transition period for the UK’s departure from the EU to 20XX. Whilst the XX is not defined or limited, it could mean we are stuck in the EU until 2099 if negotiations are frustrated.
During the transition period, we would not have a voice in the EU parliament, we would not have a right of veto, we would continue to contribute to the EU budget at a value that has not yet been defined and we would be unable to invoke trade deals.
Liberals believe that this article is against natural justice and would give an enormously powerful negotiation advantage to the EU. If Article 132 is not deleted the Liberal Party will oppose the Brexit plan.
The people are fed up with divisive discussion and continued uncertainty and now call for Brexit to be brought to a close.

Sustainable Alternatives to Fossil Fuels

The Liberal Party welcomes the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change special report’ Global Warming of 1.5°C, which gives stark warnings about the impact we are having on the earth’s climate and the consequences for human and other life systems if we fail to take radical and immediate actions to cut risk of extreme heat, drought, floods and poverty.

With the IPCC report in focus, the Liberal Party calls upon government to implement an immediate ban on all expenditure which supports new fossil fuel initiatives, both at home or overseas. To report and publish all funding already committed to support fossil fuel initiatives both at home and overseas and to review if those projects are consistent with our climate commitments.

Further we call on government to establish an All-Party Working Group, with assigned expert advisers from each potentially viable source, to define alternative non fossil based energy strategies, solutions and funding requirements to meet 100% of UK energy needs by 2030.

In-line with our demand for non-fossil fuel energy solutions, we call for an immediate ban on all Shale Gas exploration and the full restoration of land already impacted by the industry.

Leasehold Reforms

As Liberals we believe in fairness and protection for people living in leasehold and those in shared ownership properties.

We attach a copy of a motion which was unanimously agreed by Liverpool City Council at the November 2018 council meeting and we encourage members serving on other authorities to move and seek approval of a similar motion.

Fair Deal for Leaseholders.

This Council expresses its severe dissatisfaction with this Government’s failure to adequately regulate the sale of leasehold properties within the UK and tackle the onerous terms of existing leases.

It notes its concern for the financial burdens suffered by homeowners, due to unregulated developer practices, and the unacceptable terms of leases.

It notes concern for residents, who find themselves unable to sell their homes, except for a considerable discount, following the public’s increasing awareness of the struggles affecting leasehold homeowners.

It welcomes pledges to address the matter; however, expresses frustration regarding the extent of this Government’s plans, and its commitment to support those already affected by unfair practices, and charges.

This Council resolves that this Government takes urgent action to address: –

  1. The soaring ground rent charges that existing leaseholders are obliged to pay to developers, or the companies to which the freehold has been sold;
  2. The disturbing practice of freeholders selling the freehold to third parties, without the knowledge of the existing leaseholders, and without first offering the leaseholder the option of purchasing the freehold;
  3. Increasingly unaffordable estate maintenance charges levied against the leaseholders, and spiralling costs;
  4. The unclear, and in many cases, excessive cost of the purchase of freeholds by leaseholders;
  5. The unfair systems of administration charges imposed via the lease, to the hindrance of (for example) leaseholders who wish to make alterations to the property;
  6. The actions of freeholders who continue to claim administration fees, following transfer, through the wrongful practice of including restrictive covenants in transfer deeds, to in an attempt to replicate these shameful terms of the lease.
  7. The requirement of existing leaseholders to have owned the lease for a minimum period, before being eligible to purchase the freehold;
  8. The lack of advice and adequate compensation schemes available to leaseholders who believe they have been mis-sold, and/or their lease contains onerous conditions.

The Council requests that (the authorised person,) writes to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, to express its concern regarding the above issues, and request further, pressing action is taken not only to restrict the development of further leasehold homes, but to provide appropriate support and means of redress for existing leaseholders and those in shared ownership schemes.

We also ask all Liberal Party Councillors ensure that when councils sell land, they use their influence to ensure that land sold for houses is predominately freehold.

Northern Ireland Border Motion

The Liberal Party supported BREXIT in response to the referendum. Liberals believe that for the Northern Ireland question of the border, a camera system should be installed, similar to the London Congestion Charge system and using a trusted trader status run from DVLA. This would be supported by up to 85% of the people in Northern Ireland, according to the latest survey.

With regard to the present arrangements, there is a physical border, the police on both sides and technical borders consisting of VAT, Corporation Tax and personal tax, all working amicably. This is part of the free travel area since 1922. The major concern is smuggling, and the camera system above should help.

Time to Replace the House of Lords

We in the Liberal Party have consistently called for the House of Lords to be abolished as it is and replaced by a predominately elected Senate.

We had a policy that at least 2/3 should be elected and that there should be provision for elected representation from our overseas territories such as the Channel Islands, Gibraltar and Falkland Islands.

Data compiled by the Electoral Reform Society found 455 lords claimed more than the average take-home pay in the UK during 2016/2017 despite the House of Lords sitting no more than 141 days in that year.

In 2016/17 the allowance and travel costs for the House of Lords came to over £19 million.

It is estimated 33 inactive peers collected £462,510 tax-free.

Of the current peers, 109 peers had not spoken in one year with claims exceeding £1m.

The most active peers numbering 300 accounted for 84% of votes cast in the House of Lords.

Liberal Party members meeting in Birmingham voted for the option proposed by the Electoral Reform Society for a 100% elected Senate of 300 members. Plus additional seats for overseas territories

We also voted that their income should be subject to income tax akin to any other UK resident.

NEC statement – Cuadrilla fracking disturbance’s

The Liberal Party notes the temporary suspension of fracking operations by Cuadrilla at their Preston New Road site following recent subterranean tremors, the latest on the 27th October.

These seismic events have occurred less than 2 weeks after a final legal challenge to fracking was rejected, and the Government permitted operations to commence, despite widespread public opposition.

The current disturbances have occurred as water, sand and chemicals are pumped into the ground at high pressure, a recipe for subterranean disturbances.

Comments by Cuadrilla that the UK has set a lower threshold’s for seismic activity, 0.4 on the Richter scale as opposed to 2.5 in Europe or 4 in Canada is both insincere and selfish.

It also fails to acknowledge the simple fact that on the Richter scale each step up in the scale is a multiple of the previous one, not a simple increment, and Cuadrilla is effectively asking people to accept intrusive and potentially damaging levels of disturbance.

The Liberal Party yet again reiterates its opposition to fracking, sighting environmental factors and questions the economic justification and value of such operations.

Liberal News – Spring 2018

Local Government on the edge: Austerity from Westminister closes in on Town Halls across the country.
Thursday 3rd May 2018: Local Government Elections. We Need Your Help!
In Memoriam
Liberal Party News

Liberal News- Spring 2018

Local Government on the edge: Austerity from Westminister closes in on Town Halls across the country.
Thursday 3rd May 2018: Local Government Elections. We Need Your Help!
In Memoriam
Liberal Party News

Lift the Ban

The Liberal Party are the only national party to support ‘Lift the Ban’ – a campaign which would give people seeking asylum the right to work, and contribute to the economy whilst working with dignity.

Click here for more information.

Liberal News – Summer 2018

Community is at the heart of our Liberalism
Camborne Liberal Hall
Health and Well-Being in Silverton
Editorial, Liberals Assemble
133rd Annual Liberal Party Assembly: 20 October 2018

Liberal News -Summer 2018

Community is at the heart of our Liberalism
Camborne Liberal Hall
Health and Well-Being in Silverton
Editorial, Liberals Assemble
133rd Annual Liberal Party Assembly: 20 October 2018

Northamptonshire Council Crisis

The Liberal Party notes with grave concern the latest developments in the ongoing financial crisis at Northamptonshire council.

Following the unprecedented issuing of a second section 114 notice on the 24th July, prohibiting further unbudgeted expenditure, a full council meeting held on the 9th August heard details of the precarious state of the council’s finances.

These cover a projected budget deficit of 60 to 70 million pounds over the next 9 months and perhaps 180 million over the next three years at current rates of expenditure.

The crisis affecting local councils originates in sustained cuts in funding from central government in the region of 50% since 2010 in the name of austerity.

The Liberal Party against calls for sustained funding and investment in local public services, services which provide a basic level of care and support, which underpins an inclusive society.