Archive Press Releases/News

70th Anniversary of the NHS

The Liberal Party wishes to acknowledge the 70th anniversary of the birth of the National Health Service (NHS) on the 5th July 2018.
The NHS is a vital public service, free at the point of delivery and a global model for a universal health care system.
The party fully acknowledges that the service nationally is under considerable financial and operational pressure and understands that it needs both adequate funding and leadership, both locally and nationally.
Whilst the party broadly supports the latest announcement for long-term funding for the NHS, it is imperative that such funding is delivered in a sustained manner as the NHS grapples with cost issues relating to an ageing population, medical and technological advances, in the 21st century.

National water resource management

The Liberal Party notes the latest Environment Agency report on water resources, long-term consumption and water quality in England.

The reports catalogue’s the realities of excessive water extraction, unlimited usage and loss in transit and highlights the long-term environmental and human cost of living beyond our means.
We all have a part in securing the supply in this country, be it consumers consciously reducing domestic use or privately-owned water companies working to reduce leakage from their network which alone accounts for an astonishing 3 billion litres a day!
The Liberal Party believes that both a national education campaign is needed to make the public fully aware of the situation, and a comprehensive and swift scheme to refurbish the nation’s water pipe network.
Although no obvious decline in overall rainfall has been noted, seasonal changes dictate that water consumption urgently needs to be managed for the benefit of both human and environmental needs.

Gaza Violence

The Liberal Party views with horror the catastrophic escalation in violence along the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel on the day of the official opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem.

Media reports speak of dozen’s killed and hundred’s wounded as Israeli forces respond to mass demonstration and attempted breaches of the contested border.

Coming on the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Israeli state and the simultaneous expulsion of Palestinian’s from the disrupted territories, the US decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem is both highly provocative and callous act.

The Liberal Party yet again calls for a negotiated settlement to the issues of the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem and calls upon all nations and international bodies to act to resolve the open ended suffering from the Palestinians in their struggle for statehood.

Promotion Growth of Small Businesses, Social Enterprises and Charities

Whilst the Conservative Party presents itself as a champion of small businesses and community charities Liberals note that all these organisations are under increasing burdens of legislation with little-proven benefit but great and disproportionate cost.
We call upon the reporting accounting threshold for charities set in 2006 at £25,000 be immediately raised to £50,000 and a less onerous accounting structure be set for charities with income levels between £20,000 and £50,000.
The Liberal Party calls upon all small businesses with an income level of below £85,000 or the current threshold of VAT be exempted from applying for workplace pensions. We fear the level of administration has meant many small businesses and charities have reduced the intent to recruit employees and shifted employment to agency and casual work detrimental to both employees and society.
Cllr Steve Radford        Cllr Jenny Roach

Liberal Party NEC Statement – May local elections

The Liberal Party is proud to announce the distribution of candidates in May’s local elections.

The party will be fielding a total of 19 candidates in Liverpool, as well as the Timperley and Hale Central Ward’s of Trafford, Dogsthorpe in Peterborough, Tyseley & Hay Mills in Birmingham and Norcot in Reading.

The party would urge members in the adjacent areas to consider reaching out to local candidates to assist in their campaigns or to donate to their funds.

The Liberal Party retains a national presence and will be holding its 2nd June Special Assembly in Newcastle upon Tyne to further encourage regional growth.

We would wish to thank the party’s offices for their support during the nomination process and wish all our candidates the best of luck in their endeavours at the polls on the 3rd May.

Letter for Publication: Vince Cable Brexit Speech

11th March 2018


It is with disappointment and a degree of anger that we in the Liberal Party view the recent speech by Sir Vince Cable to the ‘Liberal’ Democrats’ Spring Conference.

Once again the vile slur is peddled that those who voted in favour of leaving the European Union are too old, too stupid or too racist to have their vote count. How Sir Vince manages to masquerade as a ‘liberal’ whilst demeaning the 17 million who voted for Brexit in such a fashion is beyond comprehension. Sir Vince would do well to remember that more people voted to leave the European Union than have voted for anything, ever!

It is also difficult to see how leaving the EU is the result of ‘white nostalgia’. In case Sir Vince hasn’t noticed the countries of the EU are overwhelmingly ‘white”. Leaving the EU will enable the UK to trade more freely with the rest of the world, including increasing trade with African and Asian countries, for example. Leaving the EU will enable the UK to set its own immigration policy rather than be forced to shut out commonwealth immigrants (including non-white immigrants) because we cannot set any limit on immigration from the EU.

All of this is especially rich coming from a 74 year old white man who represents a constituency which is 86% white. But then Sir Vince and others of the metropolitan elite are so desperate to remain within the protectionist, undemocratic and corrupt European Union that they will say virtually anything and aren’t going to let anything as trivial as democracy stand in their way.

Yours faithfully,

Chair of the NEC
The Liberal Party

Draft NEC Statement – Government plans for local planning powers- second draft

The Liberal Party notes the recent comments from Housing Secretary Sajid Javid MP that some councils could see their planning power’s revoked if they fail to ensure a faster approval rate for housing developments.

Local decision making is a cornerstone of liberalism and allows local communities to have a say in shaping the character of their locality.

The perceived shortcomings of the local planning process should not be an excuse for central government to impose arbitrary housing targets, which are then approved by an un-elected government inspector as is being muted.

Without local intervention communities risk being blighted with excessive developments which see the loss of gaps between communities creating conurbations or the squeezing in of crowded developments of undersized homes.

The Liberal Party recognises that there is a degree of self-preservation in some planning objections, but centrally imposed housing targets simply fail to address the nation’s regional housing crisis, nor support’s local democracy.

Timperley Independent

Conservative broken promises. Don’t trust them.
Getting it fixed. Overflowing rubbish bins. Not Acceptable.
Can you help me? Can you deliver a few leaflets where you live?

Conservative broken promises. Don’t trust them.
Getting it fixed. Overflowing rubbish bins. Not Acceptable.
Can you help me? Can you deliver a few leaflets where you live?

Liberal News

Launch of new Liberal Birmingham Group!
A Personal View on the Bristol Assembly, 2017.
Support for CANZUK.
The Commonwealth.
Little Bits of History Repeating?
Liberal News Opinion.
Assembly News: New Year Special Assembly.
Liberal Party News.

Liberal News – Winter 2017/18

Launch of new Liberal Birmingham Group!
A Personal View on the Bristol Assembly, 2017.
Support for CANZUK.
The Commonwealth.
Little Bits of History Repeating?
Liberal News Opinion.
Assembly News: New Year Special Assembly.
Liberal Party News.

Liberal’s Win Gain by election in Mid Devon Tory heartland

Cullompton Town Council (North Ward) – Liberal Party Gain
Lloyd Knight takes former Tory Safe seat in Mid Devon by-election for parish council – well done for support work in the camapign by Cllr Jenny Roach who lives in the next valley.

Cullompton Town Council (North Ward) – Liberal Party Gain

Lloyd Knight takes former Tory Safe seat in Mid Devon by-election for town council – well done for support work in the campaign by Cllr Jenny Roach who lives in the next valley.

The Liberal Party Candidate


4 Bowling Green View
EX15 1UQ

148 Votes

The Conservative Party Candidate


16 Orchard Way
EX15 1EJ

129 Votes

The Independent Candidate

SNOW Christopher Terry

39 Knightswood
EX15 1EX

102 Votes