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- Remove planning barriers to 5G adoption by allowing 5G Small Cells under permitted development.
- BySector regulators such as Ofcom, OfGem and Ofwat should be given a new mandate to promote innovation within each respective sector.
- Commit to the auctioning off of more public spectrum airspace with allowance for a secondary market to develop.
- Ban local governments from capping or restricting ridesharing services like Uber etc.
- Treat data-mining by Machine Learning (ML) firms as fair use under copyright to allow innovative firms access large high-quality datasets.
- Eliminate EU Net Neutrality Restrictions.
- Commit the UK to repeal of the EU’s Copyright Directive post-Brexit:
- Replace it with GDPR instead.
- Commit to repeal of the EU’s Link Tax after Brexit.
- Aim to get The Digital Economy as an overall percentage of the UK economy to at least 25% of GDP by 2050.
- Set up a Royal Commission that looks at the most effective way the government is able to harness the Fourth Industrial Revolution.