Archive Press Releases/News

Liverpool Wavertree

Mick Coyne will stand in Liverpool Wavertree constituency.

I have lived in Old Swan and have seen the decline of large parts of Wavertree with areas of mass demolition left for decades. I have seen dereliction and communities broken up.
Liverpool has missed too many opportunities to expand, unlike many other northern cities.
We need to promote more business parks linking to local schools and colleges so education and training matches industry needs.
We need ensure our young people get properly funded and quality training opportunities.
Throughout my life I have been a keen sportsman and have seen how Football and other Sports can help develop young people. We need to reverse the sterility of austerity and to build up sports training and youth facilities across the whole of Liverpool to give our young direction and leadership.

The last MP who made a real difference to Wavertree was David Alton, since then I’m sure many of you will feel our Labour and now Lib Dem MP have taken the area for granted.
We need an MP who is less concerned about party political squabbling and is prepared to make a real impact by supporting community organisations and local businesses across Old Swan ,Childwall,  Kensington and Wavertree.
Vote for a local man committed to the city, for an MP you can trust to represent you.


Cllr Paul T. Holmes will be standing in the Camborne/Redruth/Hayle Constituency.

He has stood as a Liberal Party Parliamentary candidate six times. Stood 28 times as a Liberal Local Council candidate and won 21 times.

1985 -2009 Elected six times as a Cornwall County Councillor being the first Cornish Speaker elected. A Kerrier District Councillor
until 2009 when both County and District Council were abolished in Cornwall. Has been a Parish Councillor since 1985
and is the ‘Father’ of Carn Brea Parish Council.

In 1988 of the 28 Cornwall County Councillors he was the only one who refused to joins the LibDems staying loyal to the Liberal Party.
1990- 2012 was a Liberal Party NEC member and was National Trades Union Spokesman, Agriculture Spokesman and Spokesman on
Cornish Affairs at various times. A lifetime campaigner for the Cornish Language and for the Cornish Self Government similar to the Welsh Assembly.

Married to Cllr. Jean Pollock( another veteran Liberal Cllr), a retired electrician, a former Cornish League Cricket player with over 800 wickets as a bowler.

Paul now scores for his local Cricket team. Paul and Jean are the first married couple in Cornwall to win the Royal School of Church music silver medal and sing as local church choristers.

Garston and Halewood

Former Lord Mayor of Liverpool Hazel Williams is to stand in the Garston and Halewood Constituency which includes parts of both Liverpool and Knowsley.

Hazel Williams was the first Lord Mayor to lead the cities Gay Pride March.

As Lord Mayor, she led the cities anti-austerity march and was lambasted by Lib Dem Lord Storey for doing so.

She has a wealth of experience in developing social enterprises.

Hazel is the Treasurer of the well-respected community, the Tuebrook Hope Group.

“We live in a dynamic and vibrant city and we need political leaders to talk up our city and region. We need political leaders to promote the city and inspire our young people” Hazel Williams

Liverpool Walton

Cllr Billy Lake will stand in Liverpool Walton.

For too long the North of Liverpool has been taken for granted, we are congested with football traffic and the air pollution that goes with it. As your MP I want the promises about better public transport and a rail link made a reality.

For too long areas like Walton and Anfield have been blighted with hostels, we protect properly balanced communities.

All my life I have been a keen sportsman and seen how Football and other sports can help develop young people. We need to reverse the sterility of austerity and build up sports training and youth facilities across the whole of Liverpool give our young, some terrific work is being done by centres like Anfield Sports Community Centre.

As Chairman of the Tuebrook Hope Group, working alongside my friend and colleague Cllr Steve Radford, I have seen how much a community charity can make a difference. As MP I want to work with all our community groups, churches and friends of our park.

Lincoln City

Cllr Charles Shaw will be standing in the Lincoln City Constituency.

Charles Shaw is a highly respected youth and community worker both locally and nationally with an extensive career covering business, local government and the Voluntary Sector. 

Experienced on Local Councils from Skellingthorpe to Bardney and a former elected member of a Drainage Board he is well aware of local community and environmental issues.

Charles has worked extensively cross-party to gain improvements and support for the Community and Voluntary Sector and is the current chair of regional infrastructure support body ‘One East Midlands’,
Trained in Education, Youth and Community Work, Corporate Secretaryship and Insurance, he serves as Chair of The National Network of Councils for Voluntary Youth Services, is Academic Chair of The Society of Teachers in Business Education and a Trustee of the National Association of Boys and Girls Clubs.

Charles Shaw is a resident of Carholme Ward and is married with grown up children.
Experienced as a Councillor and agent and staunchly against centralised control of local government, Charles believes Lincoln City should be a unitary authority working with but free of county domination.

Married (to Daphne) with three grown up children he is well aware of the issues facing families today.

As Vote Leave co-ordinator for Lincoln, Sleaford and North Hykeham he successfully co-ordinated all-party effort to achieve a fantastic result in Central Lincolnshire whilst maintaining a friendly relationship across remain and leave activists and believes working together in a co-operative yet challenging way brings results.

As a former Youth and Community officer with a Metropolitan Borough Council for Racial Equality he recognises the demographic changes that have taken place in Lincoln over the last decade and as Chair of the Centre for Reconciliation works promoting Community Cohesion across the County and beyond.

As a councillor and politician he feels it is important to be the ‘imp’ who gets things done!

Charles can be contacted direct during elections on 07760 843910


Raymond Catesby who is the candidate for Knowsley.

Ray Catesby has been a national adviser on designing out crime and combating terrorism working with Local Councils, Housing Associations, Police Forces , Home Office and the UK Crime Prevention Centre.

He has lectured on Crime Prevention through Design across the UK and abroad.

Ray was born in Toxteth, qualified in Architecture at Liverpool Polytechnic and worked in Liverpool for over 20 years and then progressed into crime prevention work.

Ray is a keen sportsman, he has stewarded at various stadia including Liverpool. Everton, Widnes St.Helens and Chester.

He supports various charities by giving family history talks.

He played a key part in the community campaign to secure junction 8 on the M62 and believes it is vital to Knowlsey and Merseyside to develop good public transport infrastructure .

“I would switch funds from HS2 into local transport projects”.

“I deeply object to the tolls being charged on the Runcorn Bridge and Mersey tunnels unlike other parts of the country” Ray Catesby.

Ray has family history in politics having had 5 family executed for treason including Robert Catesby for his part in the gun powder plot.

I am adamant we should have free TV licences for the over 75’s.

Sefton Central

Angela Preston will be standing in Sefton Central Constituency which includes Crosby and Maghull.

Angela, author/playwright, business coach, motivational speaker, and radio presenter, works with businesses, charities and schools delivering a range of programmes to support and encourage the growth of individuals, companies and communities through personal development workshops.
She has recently published a book, Find a Hero Inside, in conjunction with a school in Maghull. The comic deals with the epidemic of knife crime and gang culture and is aimed at young people helping them make the right choices in life.