Lib Dem Cllr joins Liberal Party

On Wednesday 20th April, we welcomed Cllr Alan Tormey from Childwall Ward who is joining the Liberal Party Group.

Alan has consistently supported councillors from all parties working together and supported equal and individual rights of every councillor in the best of Liberal tradition.

He has an excellent record of community service and bringing forward constructive suggestions to council meetings, he will be real asset for the growing Liberal Party Team.

Cllr Steve Radford
Leader of The Liberal Party​

Liverpool Council Contract Extensions – Cabinet Report

Government appointed Commissioners monitoring Liverpool Council have highlighted a deep-seated failure to promptly monitor and renew contracts for a wide range of services from IT to a community-based scheme to help people facing possible homelessness.

Delays in renewing contracts risks the council incurring additional costs and the 12 contracts identified as needing immediate attention involve previously unidentified expenditure of £20 million.

Liberal Party member for Childwall, Cllr Alan Tormey submitted questions regarding Microsoft Office software license via Democratic Services as far back as April and is still yet to have a response from the Cabinet Member responsible.

Full story here:

Local election Result in North Yorkshire

Congratulations to Cllr Joy Andrews for securing the Pickering Division of the North Yorkshire Council and commiserations to out other 2 candidates Alasdair Clark and Clive Wass.

North Yorkshire Council
Pickering Division

ANDREWS, Joy The Liberal Party 804 (E)
Labour Party 248
The Conservative Party
Candidate 756
Yorkshire Party 50
Edward Green Party 187

Many thanks to our candidates and supporters both locally and nationally.

Community Vaccination Programme

Cllr Steve Radford – Liberal Party Leader made an impassioned plea on Radio Merseyside for the Government to be more flexible with community vaccination programmes being able to offer the fourth vaccination to those under 75 who are high risk with respiratory illnesses or alike.

At the moment the protocols only allow the fourth jab be given to those with compromised immunity “having ran 3 community vaccination drops in events I saw first hand many people with recognised high risk illnesses being very upset at being turned away. If these people catch Covid they will be at far greater risk of serous illness or even fatality and the burden for treatment would fall on the NHS , so it makes no sense whatsoever to have them refused a fourth vaccination on compassionate or economic grounds. I have written to the Secretary of State for Health to ask him to review this policy and the protocol’s”.

Liberal Party Energy Strategy Statement

The Liberal Party notes the publication of the recent Government policy paper outlining a draft energy security strategy to secure the nations long term energy needs.

Whilst the strategy concentrates on energy generation and securing domestic production it ignores the opportunity to reduce consumption by funding an extensive home insulation scheme for older properties or addressing the pressing need for investment in a new generation of battery storage to allow better utilisation of renewable energy sources.

We should also improve building regulations to mandate high efficiency insulation in new builds and home improvements as well solar panels and heat pumps installed in new builds.

We also wish to reiterate are belief that fracking has no place in our nation’s energy plan and is an intrusive and environmentally damaging process which only perpetuates our addiction to fossil fuels.

We believe that the nation should invest in a final generation of nuclear power plants which provide the best short-term solution to providing low CO2 energy whilst maintaining the reliability of the UK’s power supply until new storage technologies are available.

A message from Councillor Charles Shaw, Chair of The Liberal Party NEC

Councillor Charles Shaw, Chair of The Liberal Party NEC is currently visiting Hungary and Black Sea countries in his roles as chairperson of The Centre for Reconciliation and of The Youth Development Association in order to broker better relations through youth and community organisations and take stock of the situation there during the war in Ukraine.

There are many British Ex-Pats in the black sea nations who will want to contribute in helping with refugees needs at this time he said.

Cllr Steve Radford
Leader of The Liberal Party

Lib Dem Cllr joins Liberal Party

On Wednesday 20th April, we welcomed Cllr Alan Tormey from Childwall Ward who is joining the Liberal Party Group.

Alan has consistently supported councillors from all parties working together and supported equal and individual rights of every councillor in the best of Liberal tradition.

He has an excellent record of community service and bringing forward constructive suggestions to council meetings, he will be real asset for the growing Liberal Party Team.

Angela Preston will be standing for the Liberal Party at the Everton Ward By-Election in Liverpool on the 7th April 2022.

There will be a Council By-Election in the Everton Ward as one of the three current Councillors has resigned having been elected to Parliament as MP for West Derby.

Angela’s family links with Everton go back over many generations.

Angela was born and raised in Everton and attended both primary and senior schools in the area. Her working life started as a 16 year on a YTS scheme in Salisbury Street.

She has since gone on to set up and run several successful businesses and works in partnership with several charities to reduce the impact of drugs in our community.

Please support Angela at the polls on the 7th April.

The Ukraine Crisis and NATO

In light of the current evidence that the Russian Federation is –

  • Kidnapping and deposing legitimately elected local government officials
  • Deporting citizens of Ukraine into the Russian federation territories

We recognise this is a concerted plan to remove all vestiges of Ukrainian nation and democratic institutions.
The narratives used to justify the move and the tactics play a frightening parallel to Hitler’s dismemberment of the Sudetenland and then invasion of the remaining Republic of Czechoslovakia.

The Liberal Party recognising that Putin has laid out clear plans to rebuild the Soviet- Imperial Russian Empire just as Hitler laid out his plans in Mien Kampf. 

We believe that the possibility of defeat for the Ukrainian Government is fundamentally dangerous for western security and would bring Russian forces closer to key NATO countries and resources

Therefore, NATO should immediately extend protection to Moldova. We should note the President of Belarus has shown his generals a map with both Ukraine and Moldova wiped out.

We should be in dialogue with Georgia to admit on its current borders.

We should signal defence treaty to support Sweden and Finland without them having to compromise their historic policy of neutrality.

Ukrainian forces need more significant offensive weaponry, including jets to drive back the Russian invaders whilst the conflict is in clear balance.

The defeat of democracy in Ukraine will embolden Putin just as the West’s timid approach in Czechoslovakia emboldened Hitler.

Cllr Steve Radford
Leader of The Liberal Party​