Discussion Documents

The following are not Party Policy but are documents that are designed to encourage debate and responses from members and the general public

We are keen to hear your views on the discussion documents, the Liberal viewpoint or our policies which can be found on this website. Please contact the person indicated in the document.

Supervote Project General Election Majority July 2024 – David Green June 2024

Supervote Project Local Elections May 2024 – David Green May 2024

The latest Supervote Project’ “Awful A-Z of English Local Election Disasters” – David Green March 2024

The Curse of the King of the Castle Politics – David Green January 2024

Liberal Party Defense StatementNova Kakhovka Dam, Ukraine, June 2023

Iranian Academics Association in support of their “Statement on Iran.”

Something’s wrong with our local elections – David Green March 2023

GOVERNMENT Ideas for the Ukraine – David Hughes February 2023

Lords Reform. Proposals for a House of the Talents – David Green March 2021

Time for Real Democracy – PR for Local Government – Anthony Tuffin – September 2022

Hemp Production by Liberal Party Councillor Alan Tormey – Motion for Debate 21st September 2022

Something’s wrong with London’s local elections! David Green April 2022

NATO needs to become a Global Organisation of Liberal Democracies by David Green, March 2022

Ukraine; a Memorandum – David Green

Liberal Party dialogue – The internal tensions affecting the Ukraine

A Quiet Revolution – A personal viewpoint by Alun Pearson

Pragmatic Perfect Education – C A W Walker

MOD Strategic Review 2020, by David Green

A Liberal Case Against the European Union, by David Green

Inheritance Tax: A Liberal Approach, by Dane Clouston

Scottish Economy: Currency and the Financial Industry, by Irvine McMinn

Scottish Independence, For and Against, by Irvine McMinn

Workable Youth Justice: Time for a Fresh Debate?, by Steve Radford and Daniel Wood [13/02/2013]

Political Access Broadcasting: “Engaging the Electorate”. An alternative to party political broadcasting, TV debates between the party leaders and public funding of political parties, September 2009

Terrorism: Civil Liberties our Best Defence, September 2009

Security with Freedom: The Challenge for Liberals – Presidential address by Cllr Mike Oborski, October 2002

EU: Back to the Drawing Board, July 2009

Integration has failed: Multi-Culturalism Works, March 2009

Citizens not Customers: A “Customer Focus” will Lead to Spiralling Public Expenditure and Disempowers Citizens, January 2009