Liberal Party members meeting at Treloweth Community Hall in Poole, Cornwall voted to reiterate their policy that the Water Companies should be renationalised.

“As more is known about polluted rivers and coastlines it is untenable for these private water companies to send profit dividends abroad, exert a monopoly over such an essential resource and fail to protect environmental safety standards” stated Liberal Party leader Cllr Steve Radford-.

Liberal Party members also supported calls for a Cornish Assembly recognising the unique history and culture of the Duchy.

The Liberal Party Leader in Cornwall, Cllr Paul Holmes urged that a Cornish Assembly should take control over the Duchy of Cornwall estates to maximise the benefits to the people of Cornwall and the District Councils be restored respecting that at the last referendum 83% of the voters rejected the then Labour Government’s plan to abolish them.

“We need devolution from Westminster and Bristol to Cornwall , we also need devolution from County Hall to the towns and districts of Cornwall” rounded Cllr Paul Holmes.

Liberal Party NEC Statement – The outbreaks of extreme violence in Israel and Gaza

The Liberal Party views with horror the outbreak of brutal violence in Gaza and Israel following the attack by Hamas.

The violence which has left over 1500 people killed in Israel is indefensible and unjustified in its brutality and indiscriminate nature.

Such an attack risks not only provoking Israel into a military response but giving the country the justification for causing unrecoverable damage to the Gaza Strip potentially rendering it unihabitable for its 2 million residents.

The resulting Israeli response has already left over 1000 killed in Gaza and threatens a humanitarian crisis in an area already suffering from the effects of the Israeli government’s economic blockade.

The failure of the Middle East Peace process over recent decades has allowed extremists in Gaza and the West Bank to drive a cycle of open-ended violence.

Terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon have no interest in peace or accommodating an Israeli state nor does the Israeli state wish to see a viable Palestinian state.

Such a deadlock can only be broken by the isolation of extremist groups on all sides, the deployment of UN peacekeepers to curtail provocations at the border and a comprehensive international intervention to create a lasting regional peace deal which recognises viable Palestinian and Israeli states.

Liberal Party Merseyside Association – The Campaign to Save Park View hits the streets

Cllrs Steve Radford and Billy Lake support patients protest outside Liverpool Integrated Care Board Officers in Hanover Street where they handed in a 2000 plus petition.
Speaking to the rally Cllr Steve Radford hit out that an alternative Doctor who wants to run the surgery is being blocked because of an objection by another doctor who will gain patients and income from the potential closure. This is a disgraceful restrictive practice and should be thrown out as a blatant conflict of interest.
We would like to thank The Liverpool Echo and Radio Merseyside for their continued coverage and support.

Liberal Party Statement – Downing Street Big Coronation Lunch, Sunday 7th May 2023

Liberal Party chair Cllr Charles Shaw in his capacity as a national trustee of boys and girls’ clubs has taking four young people to the coronation big lunch at 10 Downing Street held on Sunday 7th May 2023.

Whilst this was a state and non-party opportunity for young people to see and have a Downing Street experience the event invitation represents a recognition of the importance of including young people in the experience of the coronation and giving a day for them to remember.

Charles is proud to be supporting these young people and local communities and ensuring the continued involvement of young people in the great occasions of state and promoting understanding of civic engagement.

Liberal Party Merseyside Association Supports Community fight to Save Park View Medical Centre

The Liberal Party Merseyside Association is supporting a community campaign to stop the closure of the Park View Medical Centre in Tuebrook, Liverpool.

This important local resource faces closure within 2 months as it’s contract with the NHS Cheshire and Merseyside integrated care board (ICB) finishes and no replacement provider has been found.

Following a recent  campaign meeting at the Tuebrook Hope centre, city councillor and Liberal Party leader Steve Radford told the Liverpool Echo “We’re fighting for every surgery in the community because every surgery will suffer if this closes.”

In the same article Tuebrook Larkhill ward member, Cllr Billy Lake, was quoted as saying  “We’ve seen this before, we’ve fought it before, and we’ll fight it again.”

Every one of the 2800 patients to be moved will add to the waiting lists of local surgeries where people are already struggling to gain access to health services.

Liberal Party Policy Statement – Time for a Radical approach to Taxation

In light of the recent budget by the Tory chancellor Jeremy Hunt, one cannot help but note the lack of any real radicalism in taxation policy on the part of the Tories. Tories have a very good knack of tinkering round the edges in every consecutive budget and implementing certain ‘good’ taxation policies when it is politically convenient to do so, most notably recently in the budget, ‘Full Expensing’. 

The Liberal Party has historically always taken a radical approach when it comes to implementing policy, especially, taxation. We as a party affirm the view that Fiscal Policy should always prioritise those on the lowest end of the income-spectrum first as well as the millions of SME’s. 

Furthermore, with the public finances having seen a real strain in recent times with Tory austerity, coupled with the outbreak of the pandemic – now more than ever would be the right time to implement taxation policies which not only delivers in the public interest but also sets out a clear and concise agenda as to what direction we as a country want to be heading in. 

The party has a whole myriad of radical taxation policies, which would not only plug the gap in the public finances but also set the country on a more sustainable and equitable footing – everything from replacing Business Rates/Council Tax with a Land Value Tax, equalising Capital Gains and Dividends Tax with Income Tax, increasing the Personal Tax Threshold up to 20K and lastly, implementing a Carbon Tax at £250 per metric tonne. 

If you would like to see more of our radical taxation policies, then please check out our policies on the website

Liberal Party Défense Spokesperson Statement – A Personal View on the Treatment of our Serving Personnel and Veterans

The most profound experience I had as an RAF officer was serving with the United States Air Force. I was posted to the Pentagon, but I also served alongside the men and women of the USA on many occasions.

The picture is of a pennant American colleagues bought for me from my time with them in Kabul. We lag behind the US in terms of how we respect our serving personnel and veterans.

I recall being stopped in the street in Washington and being thanked for my service. I recall going to pay for breakfast in Atlanta Airport only to be told that the bill had been settled by a stranger I will never meet. That was because I was wearing uniform (and a foreign one at that).

Recently I spoke with the US owner of a British football club on a range of issues to help UK veterans. Not once did he seek to work out where the profit was or what was in it for him. He spoke of freedom and how we all owe a debt to those who serve. Every word was sincere.

As a society, it is time we reviewed our relationship with those who serve – and have served – the cause of freedom. No more token gestures. I see far too much lip service and people talking a good game. I see fakeness and, far, far worse, I see downright hypocrisy.

I’m not fooled because I have seen a society that does it well – naturally – and is not ashamed to do so. We might never catch up, but I am pleased that I have first-hand experience of the US example to follow.

Allan Steele WS
Liberal Party Défense Spokesperson

The Resignation of Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP

Following the announcement of Nicola Sturgeon’s resignation as First Minister of Scotland, The Liberal Party thanks her for her many years of dedicated public service.

Ms Sturgeon has been an articulate and passionate voice for Scotland, commanding the respect of many in the nation and across the world. Though we disagree with her primary political aim of taking Scotland out of the United Kingdom, we acknowledge that her dedication and service to the nation is beyond question.

As Liberals, we place great emphasis on freedom, but that can only exist when it is balanced with respect. We abhor the levels of abuse directed towards Ms Sturgeon and which exist in political discourse. We admire how Ms Sturgeon has risen above it and has carried on serving with focus and dignity. That is to her great personal credit, though it should not be necessary in a civilised society where all deserve to be treated with respect. We wish Ms Sturgeon well.

The Liberal Party reasserts that we are a Unionist party, but, as the party with well over a century’s support for Home Rule, we differ, as we believe in a federal United Kingdom, where all four constituent nations should be able to manage their internal affairs, while pulling together for the greater good where necessary for the best interests of all.

Allan Steele WS, Secretary, The Scottish Liberal Party

Liberal Party Supports SME’s to Grow and Prosper

To support SME’s we urge government to:

  1. Raise the threshold for registration for VAT to 150k pa from its current 85k.
  2. Employees should automatically opt in for work place pensions to reduce needless admin.
  3. Free up to 1.2 Million SMEs from paying Corporation Tax rate (over 80% of companies) by lifting the minimum threshold to £100,000. (Raise rate from 19% to 20%)
  4. For startups, the party would create a new “startup allowance” to help those businesses specifically with their “living costs”, and would also support fast-growing businesses seeking to scale up. 
  5. Work with major banks to fund the creation of a local banking sector (regional mutual banks), dedicated to meeting the needs of local small and medium-sized businesses. In addition, expand the British Business Bank to perform a more central role in the economy, to ensure that viable small and medium-sized businesses have access to capital. (At least one regional mutual bank in every region i.e. Cornwall)

If you have ideas on how to promote small businesses, please a mail us at