Liberty, Property, Security

“The Liberal Party exists to create a liberal society, in which every citizen shall possess liberty, property and security, and none shall be enslaved by poverty, ignorance or conformity. Its chief care is for the rights and opportunities of the individual, and in all spheres it sets freedom first.”


The General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") came into force on the 25th May 2018.

The Liberal Party has responsibilities under these regulations as we have gathered personal details from members, supports and members of the public in the form of names, addresses, contact details and e-mail addresses.

As such we have specific responsibility to ensure the information is kept securely, is not used for a purpose you have not given consent for, and is available for you to review and if requested to do so deleted responsibly.

We take our responsibilities seriously and are committed to full compliance with the regulations. Here is our Privacy & Data Protection Policy and our Data Retention Policy

If you have any questions or wish to exercises your rights please contact myself or another member of the Liberal Party NEC who will be happy to address your request.

Stephen Graham
Liberal Party NEC Member & Data Controller

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Press Releases
Liberal Leaders open letter supporting the Chancellor's aspirations to
support the SME sector

Dear Rachael Reeves,
Firstly, congratulations on your appointment as Chancellor of the Exchequer and we must welcome you on your aspirations for growth
Small businesses, social enterprises and charities can all play a part in this.
May we ask you consider taking 3 simple steps to assist this sector.

  1. Raise the VAT threshold to 150k to enable businesses get established before being faced with disproportion burdens of tax administration.
  2. Withdraw the imposition on small business to opt into workplace pensions where their employees are already of state pension age.
  3. Review the way small businesses are dealt with in Employment tribunals and bring in a equality of evidence rather than presumption of guilt on the small businesses. Employment law should be less about procedural deadlines but the substance of what was reasonable for an employer to determine.

Cllr Steve Radford
Leader of the Liberal Party

Liberal Party Emergency NEC Statement – Attempted Assassination of Former
US President Donald Trump.

The Liberal Party views the assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump with horror and revulsion. The party condemns any form of political violence, which has no place in any democratic system of government or society. Whilst the motives of the attack remain unclear it has been a reminder of the volatile political climate and the need for moderation and engagement with others of all political believes and inclinations. The Liberal Party wishes President Donald Trump, and the other victims of the shooting a speedy and full recovery after their trauma.

The Liberal Party NEC

Stronger Communities - Opportunities for All

Britain is broken and we need real change. Formed in 1859, The Liberal Party is as committed as ever to being an active driver for change.


“I would like to thank all Liberal Party members and I am grateful for the level of support to carry on this duty to lead the party into the General election.

Campaigning under the banner ‘Stronger Communities - Opportunities for All’ we will be at the forefront calling for greater devolution and sustainable financing for local government, a dynamic economy where small businesses and community enterprises are encouraged and the streamlining of our tax and welfare system that strangles so many people from progressing themselves”.

Liberal Party Promotion Video – Campaign for Change

Presented by Liberal Party Leader Cllr Steve Radford


Liberal Party Promotional Video

Vote Steve Radford for MP West Derby Constituency 4th July 2024


Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

Previous Press Releases can be found here.

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Latest News
Small Parties Big Ideas Podcast - An interview with Cllr Steve Radford, leader of the Liberal Party

Liberal Party leader Cllr Steve Radford has appeared on the first edition of a new series of independent podcasts entitled Small Parties Big Ideas hosted by Jose Fox.

The intention is for the short series to explore Britain's minor party scene in the lead up to polling day on 4th July.

The podcase is available to listen to from the following links:

Promoted by Stephen Graham on behalf of the Liberal Party, 12 Dayworth Mews, Lundy Lane, Reading, RG30 2RR.

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Donating to the Liberal Party

Donations to help the work of the Party are always welcome.

Liberal News Subscription

Subscriptions to Liberal News are welcome from non-members on payment of £10 for 4 issues.

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Copyright The Liberal Party © 2024, All Rights Reserved.
Published and promoted by Steve Radford, 41 Sutton Street, Liverpool, L13 7EG